Discord server now live!

I recently hit 1,000 followers on Twitter, and it was a milestone for me. I wanted to do something to mark the occasion, and at first I couldn’t decide what. After thinking about what it is I enjoy about this hobby, and about running this website, I realised it’s the people that I like. I love chatting to folks on Twitter, Slack, Instagram, and Facebook, but by far the best place to have conversations and forge friendships with people, is Discord.
If you’ve never used Discord before, it’s a website/app where anyone can create a space and have some channels to chat. I’ve created a server for Punchboard, and for the time being I’m limiting it to just three channels. If it grows, and there’s a need, I’ll create more, but for now, here’s what we’ve got.
# general – Feel free to just chat here. Games, life, hobbies, whatever. Just be nice to one another, and if a discussion is taking over, turn it into a thread. I can help out with that.
# online-games – I play a lot of board games online, mostly at BoardGameArena. We play asynchronously, so you can just make a turn a day if that’s what suits you. Let’s organise some games here and play.
# creator-things – One of the things I especially enjoy is sharing ideas and knowledge with other board game reviewers, previewers, podcasters – anyone creating media involving tabletop games. If you’re one of these people, let me know once you join, and I’ve got a channel lined-up where we can benefit from each others wisdom.
That’s it for now. Please, feel free to join, and invite your friends if you think they’d like to hang out and chat. All I ask is you avoid any kind of harassment, abuse, or generally being a dick. Anyone doing that will be out on their ear pretty sharpish.