Tagged: Set-collection

scout box art

Scout Review

On the surface, it’s easy to say Scout is a set collection game. The truth is that it’s more of a ‘carefully craft a set and then get rid of it’ game.

Gutenberg Review

The first thing you’ll notice when you see Gutenberg on the table are the cardboard gears. I dare you to not play with the cogs, making them spin, as if you were two-years-old playing with a Fisher Price toy

iki box art

Iki Review

Iki rejects the usual tropes of samurai, ninjas, and bug-eyed anthropomorphic cartoon animals. Instead, it transports us back to feudal Japan

TEN Review

“You’ve got to ask yourself one question: ‘Do I feel lucky?’ Well, do you, punk?”. Why yes, yes I do Harry Callahan. It’s a good thing too, as push-your-luck is one of my favourite things in a game.

Subastral Review

When I first saw the name ‘Subastral’, I immediately thought “Cool, definitely a space game”. I was wrong. Subastral in this context refers to exactly what it describes – below the stars. The focus is our own blue marble, our own speck of beauty on the canvas of cosmic insignificance: planet Earth.

Mariposas Review

I recently reviewed Wingspan, a game about collecting birds and playing with tons of little plastic eggs. Its designer, Elizabeth Hargrave, was rocketed from “who’s that?” to a name that everyone in board games knows. So what’s for her follow-up to the birdy game? More birds? More delightful eggs? Nope. We’re still playing with animals that fly, but this time it’s butterflies.

Zuuli Preview

They say good things come in small packages, and they don’t get much smaller than Zuuli, which is about the size of a pack of playing cards. Zuuli is a card game from Unfringed, where players are building and upgrading enclosures at their wildlife parks, while rescuing the animals who’ll live there

Pilfering Pandas Preview

Holy alliteration Batman, it’s a Pilfering Pandas preview! It’s the third game from the husband and wife publishing duo, Wren Games, and it’s on Kickstarter as I type these very words.

La Viña Review

Ever fancied yourself as the owner of a vineyard? You’re in luck. La Viña is a card game from Devir Games, where players compete to get the best grape yield from an abandoned vineyard, and turn it into wine. The player who does best, inherits the vineyard!